Recently I have come in contact with a few people that find it necessary to help me by easing simple facts into our lives. To which I chuckle because I'm rather thick skinned and make no mistake about it or hide that one particular fact about myself.
Telling the truth is something I find easier to do these days and especially not pad it by leaving things out, or by telling partial truths to "save" a person's feelings.
Telling the truth makes life easier in many ways, but mostly in a way that you don't need to wrack your brain over which story you told.
A lie is a lie.
A little white lie is a lie.
A half truth is still a full lie.
Hiding a truth is a lie.
Omission of any portion of the truth is a lie.
A lie is a lie and once you have lied, you will always be suspect because your integrity is in question.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute in: 18:00
Concept II Row: 27:30
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10
Ab Wheel Roll Out: 4x10
High to Low Woodchops: 4x10
AirDyne: 5 mins. Steady then...
Bike Commute out: 18:00