The word for today is "INTEGRITY"
If you say you are going to do something, then DO IT!
Even if it cost you more in time and or money, your follow through will determine how people will value you and trust you.
If I tell you I am going to do something, then you can include it with death and taxes. But I will also tell you that I will NOT do something even if it's not what you want to hear.
"The Truth will set you free" is as true a statement as ever there was.
By doing so, you don't have to recall the lie that you said in it's place.
Why am I addressing this? Because, I've been lied to and now have no confidence in that person.
Can someone still count on me? My family? My close friends? Of course, they are associated with me because of that thing called INTEGRITY (and a good dead lift)
Today's Training:
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Men + 20 lbs
Women + 10 lbs
Incline Bench Press: 5x10
Cable Fly: 5x10
super set w/
Dips: 5x10
Shrugs: 5x10
super set w.
Tricep Pushdown: 5x10
Bike Commute: 20 minutes