Important reminder here for Pin Pulling
We need to remember to set the shoulder blades into the back pocket
Fill the belt with the belly "Big Air"
Drive the feet into the ground. Murph's Grounding Rule
Head in the neutral position
Start the lift when the shoulders are over the bar or slightly behind it and having tension in the hamstrings.
Drive the hips into the bar with a sexy hip hinge!
No matter what happens, grip it as tight as you can and always attempt more than your head thinks. The double overhand grip is Matt Rhodes' built-in safety feature. You will never out lift what your pinky and thumb can hold.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute to work: 30 mins
Ab Crunch: 200 reps
Pin Pulls:
Just below the knee
Double Overhand Grip ONLY
No Hook Grip
Five Rep Max
This is more like a grip max rather than a dead lift max and that's ok
GHR: 5x10
Reverse Hyper: 5x10x180
Bike Commute: 28 mins.