For some that don't know me, I use to do Triathlons in the early 80's and 90's. I was never going to win any, but I trained for them like I was going to.
Depending on the distance of the next race, I would train all three aspects of that particular tri event.
If it were an Ultra or Ironman distance I would log a tremendous amount of mileage. But we didn't know any better back then.
I'd swim up to 7 miles a week, Bike well over 400 miles and Run in the 70 mile range.
This fast twitch muscle fiber fella was down to a whopping 8-9% body fat at 150 pounds. My VO2 was right around 61 ml and a resting heart-rate of 44.
Now I'm not telling you this because I'm about to embark on that training and condition level nor do I want you to. I'm telling you this because with all that mileage logged, I spent a lot of time by myself on the roads, ocean, lakes and pools. In doing so, I have a lot of "altercation" stories. Like me v fish. Me v. dog. Me v. automobile/trucks.
Now I can take an occasional shark (Matt Goodwin hates sharks) but those cars and trucks??? I can't remember if I have been hit 7 or 8 times but ahhh...I digress.
Regardless, today on the way home I found myself once again on my back in the middle of an intersection still clipped to the pedals.
The light had turned green and I started to proceed straight through on my bike commute home, when the other guy (in a car) went to afterburner and ran the red making a left turn in front of me.
Luckily, I had waited for the green and gave it an extra second otherwise I wouldn't be writing this.
So I hit the brakes hard and was unable to pull out of the clips so I ate the pavement.
Total damage??? Left elbow scraped and bloody, left knee scraped no blood. Right ankle?? Now that looks like it went through a cheese grater. LOTS of Blood. Bike? Nah...I saved that shit. No damage.
Sense of humor??? Still in tact. As I laid in the intersection the fella waiting for me to move asked, "Hey, you alright?" To which I responded, "Yep...but I'm not sure if I used up all my nine lives yet".
I sure hope I didn't. Otherwise I'm going to have to start driving back and forth.
It all happened so darn fast too.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 22 mins
Prehab/Re hab
Main Lift: Dead Lifts
Single Arm Single Leg Reach: 5x5
Bike Commute and accident: 55 minutes bwahahahahahaha
Your triathlon career sounds like my old triathlon 'career' - I never got hit by a car but had many near misses - including one where the driver abused me - still haven't figured that one out!
Thanks for doing what you do - I enjoy hearing about the training, the wisdom/knowledge, the chats with 'Vinny D' and the humour 6 days per week.
Thanks again, keep crushing it!