We all have that "it" that is inside of us.  Few tap into it.  We might THINK we do, but we surely leave a lot of potential on the table.

"Potential  is nothing more than Unused Talent" ~ Coach Ken Lynn

He hit the nail on the head.  As a matter of fact, we use about 40% of that "potential" and spend the rest of our time justifying why. (David Goggins)

If only we embraced the "suck" a bit more, we could achieve so much!

We all need to step up our game and dangle more carrots out in front to keep us in the game.  Subsequently, we need to toughen the fuck up and stop making excuses for our mediocrity.

"Too many people live their life in quiet desperation" ~ Charlie Bounty.

We are into the second week of the New Year and I am already witnessing a decline in the motivation level of those liars that said, "this is THE year".

Oh really?

Stay the course

Embrace the suck

Harden the fuck up

Go get 'em!!!


Today's Team Training:

Low Box Squat: 13x13

Deadlift from the instep: 13x13

GHR: 13x13

45 degree back extension: 13x13

AirDyne (legs only) 10 minutes