Because I have a few "Cherry Pickers" when it comes to the weekly workouts, I changed the pace on them.
They hate, I MEAN HATE doing the Conditioning part of the program which I usually reserve the "big one" for Wednesdays, so they skip Wed. Well, let me tell YOU I did it today and the look on some of their faces was incredible.
Sometimes you need to throw a curve ball with a lot of junk on it, to keep them on their toes.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
BOSU Crunch: 60 reps
Sciatic Nerve Stretches
Bike Commute: 27 mins
Versi Climber: 8x50 as hard and as fast as you can
Graded Treadmill Walk: 3.5 mph increase the Grade % by one every minute for 16 total minutes
Bike Commute: 26 mins