It was like I thought...after conferring with my training partners today, everyone had quite the stiff back from yesterday's posterior chain carnage. And here I thought it was because I got hit by a car while riding my bike. Phsssssshhhh, that's Poppy cock.
I suppose what concerns me is when I have to jump up in the middle of the night to check the bumps and squeaks. You know, PROTECT THE PERIMETER. It's kind of hard when you need to grunt and grown until all the moving parts are going in the same direction. That stuff scores low on the Ninja scale.
But today the only thing that hurt was normal. I am concerned because I've kidded Vincent D. that we won't die of a natural cause. I've seen how, and it's a bloody, fiery, twisting steel and broken Kevlar kind of departure. If I keep testing the odds on this by getting "dinged" then I'm eventually going to have my card punched. Ahhh such is the saying that Bob Youngs Sr. has spoken from his Navy SEAL youth..."Live your life in such a manner that death and anger may never enter your heart".
I'm certainly not angry, nor am I going to die any time soon.
Today, we hammered the
Floor Press: Working up to 60% of a max or predicted max we did 5 reps. Once to the 60% wt. we cut the reps down to three and continually added a chain per side until we reached the "STAPLE".
Since I have NO IDEA what a chain weighs, nor do I care, we just need to beat 4 chains per side next time.
JM Press w/ FAT Axl bar: 7 sets of 8 reps
Single arm seated over head dumb bell press: 5x10
Face Pulls: 4x15x80
I'm not sure about the scruff. I may or may not keep growing my Lawn Gnome beard. There is no motivation to shave it right now.