When it gets tough (and you know it always does) are you the type that gives up or do you become so committed that you are down right RELENTLESS?

I have often said when I use to compete..."you might win, but your tongue will be hanging out".  Perhaps it's the oath I gave myself and I'm giving it to anyone that wants it.  NO ONE and I repeat...ANYONE, should out work you.

That is a decision and not about genetics or opportunity or privileges.  It's determination and mental toughness.

Go get 'em tiger!

Today's Training:

AirDyne: 25 minutes

Dynamic Bench: 10x3x50% + chains

Rep Bench: 3x10x same weight - chains


DB Fly: 3x15

Variation in box height lateral side movement w/ Push ups: 4 boxes; 8 push ups per set x 3 sets

Rope Tricep Push Down: 3x30

Dips: 3x30

Bike Commute: 23 minutes