I knew that a long time ago that I wasn't going to be the tallest nor the biggest person.  I also knew that some will be stronger and others will be faster, that's just Nature and I have no control over that.

But I also knew that IF you were going to beat me, your tongue was going to be hanging out!  To beat me you're going to need to prepare yourself because I simply won't give up.

My wife calls me stubborn.  I think relentless is much sexier.

Be that person who is relentless when it comes to meeting the objective.


It is by far one of the hardest things to do is to beat a person that has NO quit!



Today's Training:

Warm Up: 10 minutes of Concept II Row OR AirDyne Bike

DB Bench Press: Work up to a heavy 10 reps.  Do two more sets a the heaviest wt. of 10 for three working sets.


Incline DB Bench Press: Drop 10 lbs and do three sets of 10


Stretcher Push Ups: 3x33

C/S Rear Delt Raise: 3x15

DB Front Raise: 4x12

The air quality is still horrible.  I am leery of training that will cause a high respiration rate as my gym doesn't have an air filtration system