I made a statement yesterday regarding "Critical Thinking" is a thing of the past and that people now jump on the next popular bandwagon without any regard for the pros and cons of their decisions.
Even to the extent I WANT to believe something, I revert back to my childhood days when a kid would say something and we would respond..."PROVE IT!"
I don't believe making a knee jerk decision about ANYTHING is exactly the brightest thing to do.
Research it! Research it from MANY resources not just the one's that say what you WANT to hear.
The current sources of information can be swayed just like you can make any statistics say anything you'd like them to as long as you message them long enough.
Once the evidence is REAL and not just APPEAR to be, then another thought process can be courted.
'It is a terrible thing to have people think your are a fool and then open you mouth and remove all doubt" ~ Mark Twain once said.
I say if you make stupid decisions based strictly on what you only like versus what you also dislike as well, then there should be some sort of PAIN involved for the stupidity.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 20:00 mins
Dynamic OHP: 15x3@50% ish
DB Lateral Rase: 2 sets to get 30 reps w/ 40's
Neg Chins: 3x3@30 lbs
Neg Dips: 3x5 @50 lbs
Bike Commute: 20:00 minutes