I have spent so much of my time over the years worrying about particular training approaches. What is best for the situation. Right now, I have no idea what in the hell I am working towards. That's ok though. Sometimes it's ok to just train.
There doesn't always have to be a goal. Training can and should be fun. With nearly forty years of training under my belt, I kind of know what to do when I get in the gym. Actually, the hardest part is staying away from what I shouldn't do.
Sometimes I get so caught up in the minutia of training that it takes the fun out of it. Yes, I call it fun. Torturing myself in the gym is my idea of fun. It's not like I'll ever take it easy when I'm in there. Regardless of whether I have a goal or not, I love to train hard.
I have been living by the phrase "Don't let perfection be the enemy of good enough" in my personal and work life. Now I need to let that breathe with my training.
The new no plan is to go in and hit some kind of main lift and then do a bunch of accessories. No count of sets or reps. Just go by feel.
As with all of the various training I have been doing lately, I have run each block for at least a month. I'm going to give this a whirl and report back.
Hmmm, I wonder if I tried to sell this as a coaching program and told people there were only three spots left, how much I could charge for it?