I tell my people to invest in a 79 cent 3x5 spiral notebook and a 65 cent bic pen to "WRITE THIS SHIT DOWN"!
I want folks to keep a record of their previous numbers so they can bear witness to the numerical improvements along with their physical ones. You simply need to turn the page rather than turning on, logging on, searching ...searching...and searching.
Also, when something POPS into your head, you can make a note of it and refer back later.
Most planning experts agree that the majority of people, organizations, etc., that fail to reach their goals do so because they did not apply an adequate form of measurement to keep track of their progress!
I have YEARS upon YEARS of these notebooks in my closet book shelf. I go back and reread them from time to time to see if my training was stupid, or did I have an ideology that was immature or if there was something brilliant and needs resurrecting.
Go do it!
Today's Training:
DB Bench: Like last week only 10 lbs heavier for the three working sets of 8 reps.
Work up from 10-20-30-50-60-70-80's then 3x8@ the heaviest +10 from last week
Incline DB Press: Use 15 pounds less than your flat press 5x15
-Stop about 1" above the chest and don't lock out.
Stretcher Push Ups: 3x30
Deep stretch between two benches and don't extend past 1/2 way
DB Lateral Raise: 3x12@ +5 from last week
OHP: EXPLOSIVE!!! 5x5 (It won't be)
Rear Delt Raise Chest Supported: 3x20@35 lbs KB
Bike Commute: 20 minutes
5K run