Whilst benching, be it bar or dumbells it is important to mimic the technique of a Max Bench.  Keeping tight is essential and must not be overlooked during ANY press movements.

  1. Squeeze the bar with a death grip
  2. Shoulder blades retracted to squeeze the bench and depressed into the back pocket
  3. BEND the bar or tuck the elbows into your sides
  4. DRIVE from the legs...HARD!


Today's Training:

AirDyne: 30 mins

Bike Commute: 27 mins

Ab Wheel: 2x15

Suspended Knees to Elbow: 2x15

DB Side Bends: 3x10x Heavy Dumbell

Push-ups: 50 reps

Dynamic Bench: 8x3x60%; 1x2x70%; 1x1x80%

4 Board Chest Press: 3x3  beat last week's weight

DB Chest Press: 5x10x use a bit heavier dumbells

Cable Tricep Push-downs: 4x12

Shrugs: 4x10

Bike Commute: 26 mins