I have a steadfast rule about feeling ill and training. I call it the 20 minute test.
As you go about your warm ups, and into the working sets when you aren't ON TOP of your game...stop and check the symptoms.
If you feel no worse for wear, then continue with your session, but don't go for BROKE!
Having a cold or the flu is a stress on your system. Training is a stress on your system. Combine the TWO and you could be asking to get knocked out!
In that first 20 minutes IF you feel like dog shit...call it a day!
Today was such a day for moi'. I got up after freezing all night and felt pretty horrible. Since I have NO WAY of NOT showing up I gutted out the drive (no bike today Zerg) and opened the gym.
We got started and I actually didn't feel AWFUL. Dynamic Bench: 8 sets of three reps at 52% was quick, aggressive and rather smooth.
Onto the C/S row doing two sets to warm up of 8 reps then to pile the weight on for three more sets of 8, someone hit me with a rod of Kryptonite between set 4 and 6.
While the heat blasted away as I stood in front of the outtakes, I was still shivering doing Monster Band Tricep Pushdowns.
Here is where I sat down, and lost my x ray vision. I turned to my training partners and said..."Whoa! I feel like SHEEET". They agreed! "I LOOKED like SHEEET".
The session recipe was up on the board so I quickly finished with Cable crossovers, and lateral raises doing 3 sets of each with light weight for 12 reps, asked my lovely bride to text message the rest of my participants and let them know I was going supine recumbent for the rest of the day.
As I type this out....I can't wait to get back on the couch and have MO' TEA!
The vascularity is SICK however with the constant shivering.
I'd take a photo if I didn't look like I got smashed in the face with a frying pan.
I think though it is only the 24 hour version. I should be back in the saddle in a couple minutes.