Catching up with last week's training. My son's preschool was closed last week for boiler repairs/inspection, so I've been watching a 4 year old almost 24/7 for the last week. This is about the first chance I've had to complete a single thought, let alone actually write something worth reading.
Last Sunday was an incredibly fun squat session. Our friend Bruce Mason (pro 308 lifter) was in town and stopped by to get a session in with us. This of course end that our other friend Bob Merkh (pro 242/275) who has a running rivalry/man crush with Bruce had to show up as well, with about 7-8 of his Atlantic Barbell teammates.
I have no idea what I did, or if it was even that good of a day. All I can really remember is how much fun it was to mix it up in the middle of a large, enthusiastic group of very strong lifters. Nothing beats the camaraderie of high level lifters, all pushing each other, breaking balls, and making each other better.
After that, we crushed the local Chinese buffet. Good times.
Monday was a bench workout, which was pretty unremarkable. I'm really small, and really weak right now. This is fine, as I've consciously lost weight this offseason in order to have an easier cut in March, but my body has NOT adjusted to it yet.
No worries, Everything is going according to plan, just sometimes the plan isn't very fun.
Since I'm waking up at 188lbs these days, I'm pretty much done with the weight loss, and I can start focusing on building my strength back up, especially in gear.