Belt Squats---10 sets of 10, after each set in an alternating fashion did either 6 leg curls or 20 leg extensions.........added weight and even better this week, I need to wear a heart rate monitor

Deadlifts 3 speed singles, had not done straight bar deads in a few months, I am going to put these in not really heavy just to gain groove for when I cycle them later this year.  Faster than expected but felt uncoordinated

Cluster Neck--6 reps rest 10 seconds for 3 minutes (even though was lighter was extremely fatiguing)


Here was Tuesdays Workout

Machine Seated Bench Press Eccentrics load up and did 6 second eccentrics really stretching my elbow at the bottom was a very good load (4 sets of )

Nautilus Pullovers 4 sets x 12

Seated One Arm Cable Rows 5 sets superset with incline cable fly x 12

partial facedown heavy rear delt fly on incline supersetted with full ROM rear delt fly (20--12) got this from John Meadows on youtube and love it

Pull ups Neutral Grip 4 sets of 4 (focusing on ROM Stretch)

occlusion arm training 8 minutes

Still playing around with works my elbow, nothing heavy on upper day but enough volume to feel pumped today 🙂 Had fun

Here are a couple client Videos


Ben Bindseil totaling 2028 Raw, this was a huge PR and I believe he is on his way to greatness


Matt Mills nailing an 850 Axle Deadlift