Wednesday! Smack dab in the middle of the week. What things need addressed? What things are we lacking? Where are our weaknesses showing up? What things haven't we visited in a while?
These are a few of the daily questions I remind myself of when I put together the objectives of the day all while keeping in mind the GOAL of the program at this time of year.
I plan for most people to be finished with a session within an hour. ESPECIALLY the morning crew. These folks have to get to work, so time becomes a thing of essence.
Since I have a finite amount of time to work with, THOSE questions become even MORE important.
I woke up a bunch of "Combat Chassis" (my term for the abs and low back which everyone else calls 'core' )on Monday. Stimulated again yesterday with the squat/dead training, so today was a great day to revisit it again. Oh how I love being called a "Horse's Ass" as discussed yesterday.
Today we did:
Suspended Knees to Elbows with a focus on closing the gap. 3x15
Hyvk Truck Pendulums from 5-7 o'clock emphasizing the lateral flexion of the obliques: 2x10
Stir the Pots on a 60mm stability ball: 2x12
and Front planks for the spinal stabilization: 5 x 1 minute
The other thing we did was a bunch of Back Accessory movements.
Much off the chest strength and antagonist to the heavy bench day we had on Monday.
Chest Supported Row: 4x6 with explosive movements. It the weight gets too heavy, then the explosion disappears.
Rack Scraping Row: 4x6
Low Cable Row: 4x6
yea, looking back...we Rowed a LOT! Those scapulas will remain in retraction for quite some time...hahahahaha
The next few days should be interesting for those who laugh, sneeze or constipated.
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