Look fear in the eye. If you don't, you will never overcome it.
I have told people that train with me if the weight doesn't scare you a bit, it isn't heavy enough.
Same thing can be said about LIFE. If all you do is what you know you CAN do, then how do you expand your experiences?
You don't!
Sometimes you have to do things that a little bit scary.
Today's Training:
Box Squat:
Work up to a heavy 8 reps. Configure the top weight so you can finish with a kick ass drop set off a parallel box.
The last set should have three reductions for a total of 24 reps. These should make you feel HORRIBLE.
Hip Circle sideways steps: 150 steps in each direction.
Chain Lunge Drop Sets:
2 chains x 33 steps each leg
1 chain x 33 steps each leg
0 chains x 33 steps each leg
Do this sequence TWICE
GHR: 5x10
Cripple and crutch