Every now and again, I like to mix things up.
For the longest time I have schedule our lifting to coincide with when I travel to the S-4 compound which is known as THE EliteFTS gym
When at Mecca, we Squat and Pull on Saturdays. So, we've been doing the same here in my gym (just in case I have to jump on a plane and go to London, Ohio because well...you never know).
On Mondays, we max effort our Bench. After all, it's MONDAY and everyone is suppose to bench on Monday. Tuesday's are reserved for Back and Arms or just back. Wed is Dynamic and it is LEG. Thurs. is Dynamic and it is BENCH and Friday is FRIDAY. What better day to rip up the arms?
So my wild hair said LET's Squat and Dead today, and have some fun tomorrow.
During my training partner's and my time we lifted with the normal banter and fan fare.
Rising through the weight as if it were ANY given Saturday and not a care in the world about what happens AFTER.
There is a mixture of lifters. From me (Old and in charge and cranky as fuck) to younger (and I will say getting much stronger than moi') to even younger and learning. Mostly I know the later because there is limited talking by them and a willingness to change weight and work the monolift.
Today, just before a moderate 455 no box below parallel squat, "Aldo" (because he does the BEST Aldo Reins from Inglorious Bastards) reminds everyone that we are currently lifting without "Adult Supervision".
I am fully engaged. Locked and Loaded. Big Breath IN and ready to unrack the weight....Bellow out, air out, shoulders slump, Laughter ensue. Yup..."No adult supervision" took the wind out of the sail and from beneath the wings.
Granted, we lifted MUCH heavier than that today. But of all that went on...THIS stuck out the most vivid.
As I recovered from my "happy moment" and refocused...Aldo blurts out the Knockout punch with..."Don't tell Mom". ROAR!!!! Another 10 minutes goes by.
I supposed it from that point going forward that everything today was going to keep getting better and better.
455 went easy
495 simple
525 got my attention
575 was the point of bifurcation.
DIED...did not Do!
Satisfaction= NEVER!
Before the squat and laugh we used the Hex Dead Lift bar and worked up to 10x1x355
What are we going to do tomorrow instead???
Just guess you'll have to come in and find out!