After getting to the hotel or wherever you are staying, the question of "what do I feed my kid?" always presents itself.

Yea kids can be finicky at times, and I hear the "I don't like ..." as much as the next parent, but here's what I do with Hunter.

I told him that food in his case, is NOT about flavor.  It's about performance!  If he doesn't fuel his tanks properly then he is going to be a non contributor in the game and if he chooses to be a non contributor then he should let someone else play that will be.  (I've only had to have THAT conversation ONCE!!!)  So...what does he eat the morning of?

Protein/Fat/Carbs!  Duh!  But here's the thing that I tell him to keep it simple:

Meat and Nuts!  We go out and purchase roast beef, cashews, or chicken and almonds.  He will eat a handful (HIS hands) of each.  We will then go down to the breakfast buffet that most hotels will have complimentary and have a small amount of eggs and bacon.  He likes granola (That's his mom..) and will have a half bowl of it, leaving about 1/2 of that!!!

He will consume 12-16 oz of water on the way to the venue.

That's it!

Upon completing the game, he enjoys a Gatorade because, well...Steph Curry likes Gatorade and he likes Steph Curry.  The sugar and "junk" isn't all that bad and he doesn't usually finish it, because he is back to ingesting water.

His absolute FAVORITE post game drink is and traditionally has been a big 12 oz. glass of Chocolate milk.  BINGO if your kid will take it down as an energy replacement drink!

If we have a second game, he will do the meat and nuts about an 1 hour prior to Dry Land Training (and dry land takes place an hour before the plan on TWO hours prior if your team doesn't have a dry land warm up)

Keep the simple sugars away for now!  No candy, soda pop, or anything that you can find in a Halloween bag.

After the second game which is the most we play, all bets are off and it's time to be a kid and enjoy whatever is on the menu and get some Carbs in before heading to bed.

For simplicity, remember Meat and Nuts.  Store it in the mini fridges along with bottled water.  Purchase it at a local grocery before checking into the hotel so you don't have to go back out after traveling the distance to get there.

Today's Training:

Pull up: 2

Push up: 5

Chin up: 2

Dip: 5

Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 20 minutes

Cat/Camels: 10

Bird Dog: 10

Frankensteins: 10 each leg

Abduction Swing: 10 each leg

Butt Kicks: 10 each leg

Wrist Extension: 4x10

Wrist Curl: 4x10

Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10

Ab Wheel Roll Out: 4x10

Air Dyne Bike: 20 minutes