Be stoic!
Men must be self-reliant, independent, physically tough, etc. It will make you successful in terms of business, society, and finding a partner. Being vulnerable is cause for a man to be ridiculed.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Box Squats w/ three count pause on the box: Work up to a 6 rep EXPLOSIVE max. Once the weight has been found do two additional sets of 6 making sure each rep is paused and exploded up. After that, reduce the weight by 25% and do as many paused explosive reps as you can. Do as many as you can either your head should explode or you die! Either one will let you know when you have finished
Single-Leg Step-ups: Do not lockout and lightly touch the toe to the floor. So you are actually "pulsating" the mid-range. Do 3 sets of 15; 1 set of 25
GHR: 4x10
Reverse Hyper: 4x10