Where I live, we have been experiencing a drought of epic proportion. It's been a good three years since we had any measurable amount of rain and snow pack that we have had to ration our water usage.
Doing my part, I shower only when it is absolutely necessary. My gauge is April telling me when I "stink".
Last night was my "you stink" evening, so when I woke up this morning at 0300 into the water I went. This may not seem to be a big deal to many but I am telling you, when your tan fades two shades lighter, you know you have been carrying some fossils with you.
What it also means is that I need to hustle up my departure meaning I need to cook the eggs a bit faster, brush my teeth a bit quicker and pedal my bike to the gym at Mach 2 instead of 1.
It also means that I write the days program at the gym instead of at the morning breakfast table.
And HERE'S where my story begins. Since I didn't really have the day mapped out as well as others, the Accessory Back/Arms that I do kind of SUCKED BALLS today.
No pump, no jump, nothing!
First time in a LONG time that I probably could have done without the session all together.
The upswing was that the bike ride in and coming home were of quality that stories are written. I feel as if I could have pedaled anywhere distance wise this morning. Just good and effortless. A warm breeze and dressed properly for the journey. Good fun!
Knee Ups: 3x12
Sit ups: 3x12
Shrugs: 4x10x Banded and Bouncing Kettle Bells x 56
Pull Up Hell: 1x25 in each of the ladder's five hand position.
Rack Scraping Rows: 4x6 explosively
Tri Push Down: 4x15x110
Fat Gripz Reverse DB Curl: 4x8x20
DB Hammer Curl: 4x8x35
Zig Zag Bar Reverse Cable Push Down: 4x15x60
Some other tricep and bicep movements that were more bullshitting around than productive.