I have applied many strategies to help toughen up my mental state. These may shed some light.
1. Make time for yourself. No distractions, no worries about anyone but YOU.
2. Forget the past. There is nothing you can do right now to change what has already taken place. MOVE the fuck on!
3. Know that no matter what...you won't please everyone. The radio plays whatever the radio plays. If you don't like it, wait three minutes and the song will change
4. Immediate gratification is short lived. You can't expect long term results with a short amount of effort or time.
5. Things that are out of your control can't be controlled by you worrying about them. There are more fun things to waste time on.
6. Feeling sorry for yourself is a pussy thing to do.
7. Envying someone is for slackers. Enjoy others who succeed and learn how they did it, and the thought process that went along.
8. If you're happy, BE happy. If you are pissed off, BE pissed off. Don't let anyone influence your "feelings" But remember they are YOUR feelings and you don't have to advertise them.
9. When in charge...TAKE charge. Be responsible!
10. Take calculated risks! Don't just take risks...think
11. Never (and I mean EVER) give up. I have never lost a game that I have played in. I have run out of time. But to make me stop, someone is going to have to kill me!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 23 mins
Gun Show:
Chin ups: 20x1
1 a. BB Curl: 4x8
1 b. Rope Push down: 4x12
2a. DB Curl: 4x8
2b. DB Supine Extension: 4x12
3a. DB Hammer Curl: 4x8
3b. Dips: 4x15
4a. Concentration Curl: 4x10
4b. Narrow Grip Push ups: 4x15