My gym is a WIDE open space. My area is smack dab next to the large Crossfit area, separated from the FIGHT area by only a door.
I have an outdoor voice and by outdoor voice I mean my conversations can be heard in Hawaii.
Same with the music that is played. Luckily I don't care what is on, as long as I can coach, I don't even care what volume it's played at. Crossfit and I have it dialed in that we will share WHO'S playing the music on any given day.
Today, one of the older Crossfit members requested the music we had playing from my side last week. With a simple bark of orders, we obliged the request. THAT'S when this young lady walked up to me and began her demands for what we already had changed.
Yes, she was kind of cute, but she had "Hipster/Millennial" dripping from her pores.
The thick framed classes and muti dyed hair along with proper "Peace" symbol t shirt gave me her classification. When she began to speak about all the things SHE wanted, I held up my hand in the international signal of "wait". She talked over it, and then I introduced her to the "KNIFE" hand. (look it up if you have no idea what it is. Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis is notorious for KNIFE HAND) She began to talk over THAT as well. I added the "shhh" sound while chopping my knife hand. She tried to talk over THAT as well. I insisted with the subtle movement of the hand all the time while she uttered the beginning of another word with my own cut off of "Shh" "sssshhhhh" "Sshh".
When she took the hint...finally, I turned and simply walked away.
She was new! Never saw her before. All the others from my side and the Crossfit side, knew what just took place and began to snicker and chuckle.
I'm not sure if she understood, that since she didn't matter to me, and I am under no obligation to care, she had ZERO impact on ANYTHING that I was going to do, or what happened.
She was stunned and stood that way just staring until she realized that I really didn't care if she stayed that way or not.
I am fairly certain, that what I had done was a NEW experience.
Today's Training:
10 sets of 10 reps non stop of the following exercises IN ORDER Smita!!!
Suspended Knee Ups
Back Extensions
Rev. Hyper
Should take NO LONGER than 50 minutes!!! Most were finished between 28 minutes for the fastest to 45 which was the average.