I can't bring myself to use a cell phone to take pictures and stay connected on the internet and write notes on, and listen to music and..and...and.
I've give a hard time to everyone that I come into contact with for their excessive use. I've made people upset with me for my lack of wanting to project myself into the 21st century.
I've gone out of my way to alienate myself from those that do use it.
I now need to come to terms with the fact that EVEN MY OWN BRIDE is a zombie.
While I will always love her and feel she is the only one for me ever, I have now witnessed the blue hew light of early morning and last thing at night use. I don't have conversations in the car anymore as it gets in the way of perfect "catching up" time on the text messages and email.
I don't want to have an electronic dog collar. I don't care if people can't find me. Actually, I like the idea of finding YOU, first.
Many days I long for days gone by of having to actually go to someone's house to see what's UP?
All I ask from my Zombie friends, please...Don't eat my brain. It may be the only hope we have in the very near future.
Leg Swings: 3x10
Leg Abduction Swings: 3x10
Cat/Camels: 20
Dynamic Squat: 12x2x50% (same wt as last week)
Prowler Progression/Regression Suicides x 3
10 yd
equals ONE set. x 90 lbs Push out on the upper handles, run around the Prowler to push BACK on the lower ones
GHR: 2x15
Reverse Hyper: 2x15
Kettle Bell Swing: 3x10x44
That's not a woman on the left...that's Mickey Belaineh (sp?)! Haha!