I remember when I was younger, there were legitimate "Tough Guys" that permeated the planet. At least my part of the planet.
There was no issues with "Snowflakes". There was no "Safe Place". If you needed sidewalk chalk to express yourself, those guys would take it from you, chalk their hands for a massive Dead Lift then eat the left over.
Scott Goodhart was such a kid. A real life JOHN WAYNE!
Scotty joined the Marines in the Officer Candidate Program. When he took his test to see what JOBS he was likely a good candidate for, I noticed he had "Aviation". His response??? "BULLSHIT! I want to die with my face in the mud!!!"
I have said that when a person asks me how I am upon greeting me for the day, I always respond..."DANGEROUS".
The flu is beginning to rear it's ugly head. People ask me now if "you ever feel a little off? a little BLAH?" I come back with...NO!
"Does this hurt or is that painful?" I respond...NO!
"Have you ever?"... NO NEVER!
Not only won't I breech Rule #67 I am going to turn it into a John fucking Wayne response from now on!
So a man thinks, he speaks. He speaks there for IS!
Toughen up! No bona fide MAN likes "Sensitive Males" ThEY ARE PUSSIES!
Grab life, before it grabs YOU!
Today's Training:
Box Squat work up to 225 (women 145) Then do 5 sets of 10 reps
Dead Lift: Same
GHR: 70 continuous reps
Bike Commute: 22 minutes
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