When I open the gym part of the procedure is to turn on the Spotify/Pandora station. I rarely give two cents worth what is on from the night before, so I usually will press "play" and endure whatever...
However, once in a great while I will feel like something that I actually want to hear. There was this one time (not in band camp) that I wanted to hear "The Flight of the Valkyries" when a young man told me, "Coach...this doesn't fire me up..." To which I responded..."Well, it fires ME up and I fire YOU up, so we will listen to it. Wagner, my boys love it and it scares the hell outta the slopes (Apocolypse Now and Col. Killgore reference)"
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bike Commute: 26 mins
Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time
Dynamic Bench: 10x3x 40% w/ mini bands
Dynamic OHP: 10x3x55%
Single Arm Lateral Raise: 3x10 keep the body on a verticle
Two-Handed DB Lateral Raise: 3x6x HEAVY
Push Ups: 100 reps
Incline DB Press: Pick a weight to do 100 continuous reps. If you can't do it, go down in weight and start over no matter the number you got to.
Ab Wheel: 100 reps
Bike Commute: 28 mins