Floor Press: Start by adding 10 lbs. Now normally speaking that would mean "Add FIVE pounds to each side of the bar and forget that it is there". That way, you are already ahead of last week's numbers. Well...when you leave it open to interpretation there can be some interesting values to it. Like a moron, I don't bother to check, so my Training Partners did exactly that. They added TEN pounds to BOTH sides. BRILLIANT! The clincher? I didn't notice until our last set of singles with 6 clusters of chains ALSO included at a bar weight of 225.
Fat Gripz Zig Zag Bar Skull Crushers: 7 sets of 8 reps with 95 pounds
Single Arm Seated Kettle Bell Shoulder Press: 5x20x35
I used the KB because my shoulder has been "clicking". Not anything painful, but it's like closing a car door "ker chunk" ratchet type feeling. The kettle bell pushed my elbow forward and making the shoulder externally rotate some while I pressed. Everything felt smoother. We'll see....
Monster Band Face Pulls: 4x15
Captains of Crush Gripper: 5x25x "T" level