It's the cold and flu season and my gym is sick. Yup, the people in the program are not feeling well with coughs, congestion, and just general "icky" feeling.
At least they know after this time with me NOT to come in.
What? I'll see if I feel better after a workout because normally I do...
Bull shit! Although you might be correct, you infect everyone around you and later on the day too.
You cough, or sneeze into your hand, your hand touches a bar, you put the bar away, someone picks it up later, they then touch their face or mouth after using it, those germs jump right off that bar and into the next person's body. Way to go you selfish fuck!
Do us all a favor. Stay home until you're not contagious. My people know this!
They also know to use the "20 minute" rule.
Go about your training. If you feel no worse after the first 20 minutes then...ok, continue. If you feel like dog shit after the 20 then shut it down, go home and rest another day. See ya tomorrow!
You have to be concerned about your own health. Working out/Training is catabolic. You are breaking things down. You being sick is catabolic to now you have multiplied your catabolism.
Re Hydrate
Fight the infection
Today's Training:
Tri Push Down
Skull Crusher
Incline Press
Chest Press (flat)