There have been many people that follow my Coaching log that has contacted me through email or social media to tell me how my log ISN'T there anymore after I have posted them.

For those that wonder if I might have left the TEAM because of their deductive reasoning, I thought it would be better if I explained.

NO!  I haven't left the team.  (at least not on my part or decision. haha)  We have a new format to write our logs in and I'm horrible at it.

Granted, it's probably WAYYYY better than the old method, but I'm one of those people that if it isn't broke, don't fix it.  It's me who was comfortable with what I knew, and the older I get the more I resist change. (Fuck me...I've turned into my Dad)

Regardless of the way I feel, feedback from others has the stamp of approval on it and I need to try harder!

Hopefully, this one will make the grade and not get "lost".

It makes me so happy to say once again..."It's not you, it's ME"


Today's Training:

AirDyne: 30 mins

Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time

C/S Row: 4x8

Dead Stop Dumbell Row: 4x8

DB Pullover: 4x12

Chin-Ups: 10x3

Bike Commute: 28 minutes