I'm not sure if that is catchy enough to bring anyone in to read this, but hey! I tell people...I'm not for everyone.
Today we Over Head Pressed as our main focus (along with Conditioning), and one of my "elders" likes to ask me "why" we do thing questions, which I LOVE to answer.
While giving him the anatomy of major muscle being used, along with the vertical displacement of weight and what it does for spinal stability, I concluded my dissertation with "and, it's just a plain old fashion badass exercise for a vulgar display of strength".
THAT caught his attention. He then asked me the importance of simplicity and badassery.
Again, I know what I know and didn't hesitate on my answers. "Why use 6000 characters when 6 will suffice? Simple and effective trumps complicated and a waste of valuable time." Integration before isolation has always worked well for me.
As for "Badassery" he asked?
I told him THAT is addressing my own personal "why" I do anything in strength and conditioning these days.
I got that crooked sideways look meaning, "please explain?"
I then sat on the edge of the Reverse Hyper (in a single leap) and said...
The days of running a football down a field or cradling a lacrosse ball to score are in the past. I began my weight room journey as prep work for the sports I love. As you age, you begin to realize that your BEST lifts are behind you and motivation begins to wane. Why does anyone need to continue to train the way you did 5 years ago, 10 years....30 and 40 years ago when you know you won't make "the team"? Well...when people say that age is only a number, they are getting only a part of it. *(normally those saying it aren't the age YOU are at) but the crux of it is this...When a person reaches an age of insignificance or when a MAN doesn't feel DANGEROUS anymore, then it's all gone.
I train a LOT of high level athletes. Combat athletes that when they say.."I'm going to kick your ass" not only do they mean it, but they CAN DO IT TOO!
How does a man continue to feel "Dangerous and Significant" amongst Dangerous and significant people?
Simple...retard the aging process by doing what you CAN! Stop focusing on lost function. Think treacherous thoughts. I might not be able to throw a left hook that will knock a person out, but I certainly will wait in my EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake waiting for the right moment to run you over in the parking lot! (KIDDING)
I train to fulfill my Why to remain DANGEROUS! I train others to meet THEIR why's in the same manner.
Yes, looking good naked is a great goal. Playing in the Pro's (any sport) is a GREAT GOAL!
For me...remaining Dangerous is my only goal!
Today's Training:
OHP: 2 HEAVY reps
Work up slow, beat last weeks number by a small amount. Then do 5x10 with 55% of the heaviest weight
Concept II Rowing Ergometer: 30 minutes (for me) 20 for everyone else.
Lat Pull Down: (V bar Attachement): 5x10
Snatch Grip Hi Pulls: 5x10
DB Curls: 5x10
Tricep Push down (rope attachment): 5x10
4 way neck: 1x15
Sprint I: 10 x10 yards @50%-75%
Sprint II: 6 x100 yards @ 80%