My time and mental bandwidth have been very limited due to life circumstances. I haven't been sleeping well at all. It wouldn't surprise me if I'm fighting off depression to boot. Listen, life seems to be conspiring against me, but I'm sure I'm not the first this has happened to.
Jess has been watching me slide down this slippery slope and challenged me to do something for myself. She told me to go down to the basement and just put the bar in my hands. I don't know why, but I fought the idea. Still, I went down to the gym.
Being deconditioned, stressed, and with some sciatica kicking, I decided to take it easy. I figured I'd do a circuit of a few exercises to hit my whole body. I set the timer, grabbed dumbbells, and did bench, rows, and elevated split squats for 20 minutes. There were a few times when I was huffing and puffing so hard that I took a break to do a few bird dogs.
It did help me clear my mind for a bit. Also, my body did feel better the next day. Exercise, amazing isn't it.
The goal is to do some full-body training three times a week for 20 minutes. Not a lot, but better than nothing.
Not giving up!
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