2021 is quickly coming to an end.

For the past 40+ years, I have never written a New Year's Resolution, but I've always had at least THREE goals to keep in front of me for the year.

For me, I like to have one goal that is Professional, one that is Financial, and the last one as Social. I have missed more goals than I have achieved, but at least I have worked toward something making every day purposeful.

I don't mean to tell you that you should have the same three areas for your goal designation, but that is what works best for me.

Lastly, your goals need to be measurable and told to someone that keep you accountable!

Give it a try this year.

Today's Training:

AirDyne: 5 mins steady; 10 x 15/45 Sprint/Rest Intervals

Concept II Row: 5 mins. Steady; 10 x 15/45 Sprint/Rest Intervals

KettleBell Swings: 8x40 x 36 lbs for men; 26 lbs for women