I am sorry for the lack of updates. Moving is a b!tch. That said, the first room in the house is complete, the gym. My hands are swollen from cutting stall mats and carrying equipment. My back and hips are wrecked, but the new SFW headquarters is AWESOME!
As I look around the only thing you see is gym equipment. Unlike the last space which was storage space and gym. It is such a different atmosphere when you are training and don‘t have to look at tupperware, kitchen mixers, luggage, etc. I could not be more psyched for this.
When I walk through the doors I feel like I am walking into a commercial space. I still need to adorn the gym with some wall coverings, but for the most part it is done. I really think the only other piece of equipment I want is the Elitefts professional back raise. I am sure I will want a few other toys, but the bones are set.
I took basically a week off from training, but it sure does not feel like it. Between the stress of the move, selling the other house, all the little details that go into it, and the actual moving itself, I am toast. However, I did christen the gym with a light upper body circuit on Monday. I plan on slowly working myself back into the routine for the rest of the week. Then next week it will be business as usual.
There are goals to be had for 2017, but that‘s another post for another day. Hope everyone had a great holiday and I wish you all a happy new year!
SFW shirts should be worn as reminders that AVERAGE IS UNACCEPTABLE for your New Year's resolution