Today's Training:
Floor Press:
Work up to 50% or the dynamic bench weight last used doing three reps.
Then add one chain cluster per side until you can't do the three reps.
Do ONE more rep.
Blast Strap Rows: 10 reps every set.
DB Lateral Raise: 5x15
Push Ups super set with Blast Strap Row (again)
10x20 and 10x10
Since all the racks were being used this morning, I grabbed one of my crew and went off the grid and did an entirely different scheme for the chest and pipes.
I affectionately called it..."Force Fuck I Training" where basically anything that was available...WE DID. So "The Force" had to be with us in our choice of exercise. The fuck training was for the "fuck you, let's obliterate this motherfucker..." I added the Roman numeral "I" just because I thought it would look cool when I wrote it, and it does.
Heres' what I did with Jason:
Incline DB Chest Press: 10 reps from 5 pounds to 75 pounds with as little rest as possible. 150 reps in five pound increments
Cable Cross Over: 10 sets of 15 reps with escalating weight from 15-60 lbs.
Push Ups: 10 sets of 20 reps
Dips: 8 x 25
I like that! Force Fuck Training.