Holiday training is something many of us do and like to tell those who didn't we did. (that's kind of funny right there)
I always do something on both New Year's Eve AND New Year's Day because of an old wives tale I once heard..."Whatever you do on NYE and NYD will be done throughout the year". So, I've always done something.
Now if you are like "Tony" who will beat himself up for missing the session, you shouldn't. Guilt and worry are two USELESS emotions.
If you're going to feel guilty then you should have sucked it up and done what your pals were doing. Otherwise, it was YOUR decision and you need to live with it. Don't let it eat you because your pals will "chirp" you enough. No reason to join them.
If you worry about something, well...that's just wasted energy. Nothing changes by worry. You just increase your blood pressure and heart rate when it doesn't need to be and THAT my friend is worthless.
Now it's still quite early here on the West Coast and my family and I have all the time in the world to goof off.
January 1
AirDyne: 30 mins
Dynamic Squat: 10x2@50%
GHR: 2x24
Reverse Hyper: 2x16 (w/ a little swing)
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 2x Failure