I like to help people realize that their "Potential" is actually unused talent.
People get lumped into a category that they then start to believe, and then self serve their unwritten prophecy.
Example: "He's a good athlete, but doesn't seem to have much going on upstairs. Tends to be a bit stupid at times".
So...since he IS a good athlete, he must be dumb. Because he now believes he is not smart, he isn't.
I am one to ask PRE questions like this. On a scale of 1-10 how hard was that lift? When I get a numerical answer, like..."that was a 6" I know that the person felt it was 60% of the max effort, and then I know HOW MUCH to tell them to put on the bar for the next lift.
Too often, however, I ask the numerical question and I get..."oh, that wasn't too bad".
WHAT? Well then how do you suppose I recommend the next weight? "I think you should go up 90 or 225 pounds, somewhere in there."
Geeesh...answer the question!
Last night I get a KNOCK on the door. Not the door bell but a casual knock as a friend would do.
I whipped the door open to see two solicitors getting ready to pitch.
I ask in my coaching voice..."What the fuck do you want?"
Startled the one fella goes into his script, not answering my question. (mistake 2, Mistake 1 was knocking on my door. I have a big sign that says..No Solicitations)
He tells me that my neighbor the Bakies recommended they speak to me.
(Mistake number 3) I look the kid in the eye and say..."Bullshit! I don't know any one of my neighbors named Bakie)
Then, because it's Christmas and I am feeling generous, I tell him "Cut to the chase! What the fuck are you selling?"
He then goes back to the script with ..."This is my partner so and so...(didn't catch the other kids name) and we want to start by saying Merry Christmas" I stopped him there. BULLFUCKINGSHIT! You didn't answer the question motherfucker!!! Door SLAMS!
My son was listening and looking at me as if I was the meanest S.O.B. on the planet. I asked him, "Learn anything?" He nodded and said "yes sir".
I asked him, "what?"
He said, "If that guy just answered the question he would have sold you what he was selling, right?"
I said...YUP!
Moral of the story...Don't waste people's time! Get to the point. When we break out the beer and chips we can tell each other about our "feelings" and give a back story. Otherwise...GET TO THE POINT!
I know I would appreciate you more. You won't hurt my feelings!!! That's for sure.
One set of "Super Legs"
Air Squat
Split Squat
Ballistic Air Squat up to the toes
Rear Stepping Lunge
Jump Squat
Jump Lunge
All x 20 reps
Three Pin Pull: Off the pins that are set at the third hole, work up to a heavy (NOT IMPOSSIBLE...Leave a rep in the tank) SINGLE.
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10
45 Degree Back Extension: 100 reps