There was something different about today. I'm not sure what it is, but it FELT as if it were Summer Vacation for real! No real hurry to be any place in particular. No rush to get people in, through their training session and back out the door to get to work, summer class, or whatever might be on THEIR plate.
Today at a pace that was quick but not rushed:
C/S Row with a Swiss Bar: 4x8x185
Lat Pulldown: 4x8x150
Vbar Low Cable Row: 4x8x150
Knee Pin Pulls: 4x8x185
Incline DB Curl: 4x8 super set with Standing DB Curl at the same weight: 4x8 super set to make the GIANT set with Zig Zag bar Preacher Curl: 4x8x75
Behind the head Tricep Ext: 4x12 super set with Supine Tri Ext: 4x12x20 super set with Decline Zig Zag bar Tri Ext: 4x12x75