Look, bad things happen — that’s life. I’ve had many bad things happen to me, and I’m sure you have too. It’s what we do about them that makes the difference.
We have two choices: We can place the blame on someone else, or we can get on with our life and learn from our problems and tragedies. I remember when I was in college, I was speaking to my mom on the phone. I had run out of money, had no food in the kitchen, and had not eaten anything except protein shakes for the past few days. “Why don’t you have money to eat?” my mom asked. I told her I had spent it. I was then told, “Well, I guess this is a learning experience.”
Learning experience! I was starving — screw the learning experience! I needed food! You know what? I didn’t get the money. Instead, I found some food, got several part-time jobs, and learned to better manage my money.
Was I pissed? Yes, I was pissed, but I got over it and became grateful for the help I did get. There are many others who are a hell of a lot worse off than I am.
I could have placed the blame on my mother for letting me “starve”, but would that have put food in my stomach? This was not about eating or not eating — it was about becoming more responsible.
Now that I’m a parent, I know it would have been much easier for her to give me the money than it was to teach me this lesson. But being a parent also means being responsible for raising your children to be successful in this world.
What is more important? One meal or a lifetime of success?