I was asked what I thought about the quote, "No good deed goes unpunished" in my last AMA.
I’ve read and heard this before, but blew it off out of ignorance or just being too lazy to look it up. I looked it up before posting my answer.
I think what is being missed here is defining the difference between helping and negotiation – or confusing the two.
When I help somebody, it is just as much (if not more so) a gift to me than it is to them. When we help each other, it makes us feel good. When we help others, it’s helping to reinforce what we know, teach us more and add to our experience base.
If one does something, expecting something in return, then you are not helping – you are selling. There is a big difference. If you help, and then get mad at the other person for X reason, you really should be mad at yourself for having poor sales skills.
The point is, just being in a position to help, and being asked for it, is an honor. In the strength and fitness industries there are countless others for people to seek help from, and they picked you. Congratulations on this because it means you’re doing something right.
As noted, this is a great opportunity to become better, more educated, more experienced, build credibility and make a difference while not costing you any money. The BEST experience is real world experience.
We all know there are people who will take advantage of this, but you know what? Those who helped you did, you did, I did and so will many others. Don’t even try to act like you haven’t!
Is it right? No, but it’s life and it is how we know where to set our own limits.
Will some good deeds come back to bite you? You bet, and they will bite hard. If you learn from them and grow a spine, you will find...
They may be worth more than all the others combined.