I have been accused of being blatantly honest as well as direct, more than once.  I figure, "why beat around the bush?"

Example, there are a ton of Graduation Parties coming up in the next few weeks, along with the normal summer social calendar, mixed with my work calendar and sport camps.  There isn't a whole lot of time to much else. When a person asks me if I'd like to come over for...  My answer is "yes".  (I'd LIKE to)  Then they will give me a time and day to meet, and I'll tell them "but I can't" (because my dance card is full)  THAT is when there is a breakdown, because while I'd like to do something with them, I simply can't.  So the next question on their part becomes..."why?"  That is when I have an issue.  While I'd like to be a part of your social schedule, and I told you I can't, I don't feel compelled to give reasons.  I often wonder if people like being lied to.  I could say yes, I'll be there and just not show and then come back with a lame excuse the next time I see them, or do I bore that person with all the details why I can't?  Why does it take a novel to appease some people?

If I ask you to do something and you say you won't be able to...I leave it there.  I don't need to know all the details of your life.  I'm good with another person coming in your place.  NEXT!  Let's move on.

Dynamic Bench: 6x5x40% of max and TWO clusters of chains per side.

Push ups: 250 reps

Dips: 250 reps

Pull up totals=3654

Push Up totals=4981

Dip Totals-6683

Prowler Totals: 18,520 yards