Slam'n day here today.  Rare is it that we have crappy weather.  Today is no exception to the norm.  FREAK'n nice bike ride today.

Benching for speed.  So fast that knuckles got wind burn.

Using three different grips, 10 sets of 3 reps at 190 lbs.  I say 50% of max, but for some reason, I can generate the most force at this weight. (for now)

Flat DB Press:





Justin and I PLOWED through this part of the session at 730 mph.   Almost whoop'd the sound barrier, but I had to start other people in their sessions too.

Two sets of Tricep Rope Pushdowns at 110 lbs supersetted with One  Board, close grip bench with 155 lbs to failure in each.  (Failure, or success, half full, half empty.  You say tomato, I say STEAK)

Rear Delt Raise: 3x25x15  STRICT!

C/S Row: 3x8x80

I got a price for a pool from a guy that wanted to charge me in the neighborhood of 100 GRAND!  I was overwhelmed with that price point.  I responded with ..."I can buy a town in Mexico for that much.  It will have a nice house and be close to the beach, AND it will have a bigger pool in the yard"

Easy decision...No pool from this guy.  No soup for you!