Hey!  Yesterday I said I was bored.  Yea, I was bored.  Nothing exciting to say or write so I'm not going to waste your time with "filler".

I appreciate how a few "friends" were rounding up the wagons and offering me words of encouragement.  That was nice of you.  BUT...I'm the last person that needs motivation.  Hell, I wake up and stink of "Get'n it done".  I don't even now how to spell kwuit.

So don't blow a main spring.  I'm the guy that gets the ball rolling everyfuckingday!  I have the keys to this Death Star and it's engines run HOT!


Dynamic Bench: 8x5x185

C/S Row: 2 warm up sets x6

3 work sets of 6 at a heavy weight.  Grind this 80 lbs on the EliteFTS C/S row

Lat Pulldown: 3x20x120

Cable Cross Over: 2x25x40 using a Free Motion articulating arms machine

DB Lateral Raise: 3x30x60.  The R.O.M. is only 8-10 inches.  Don't slack!  Man up and finish it.