I'm a pleaser. My wife is definitely a pleaser. EVERYONE needs to be welcomed and made to feel a part of our family. It's the who we are and what we do.
However, there are SOME people for what ever reason will not adhere to your graciousness.
When I was younger, I took that as an insult. Now, it's just the way it is. I understand that no matter what, there will be a few souls that don't belly up to the bar with me and that's NOT MY ISSUE!
I still stay cordial, but I don't waste a lot of time trying to convince folks that I'm their friend and they are missing out unless they let me.
Move on!
Today's Training:
Pop Your Heart Wed.
I was initially going to phase in a Combat Chassis circuit that was ridiculously hard that would have killed two birds with one stone. This is what Vinny D and I started to implement.
However, I was sicker than dog eating hot peppers and grapes. (both of which make dogs sick)
103 degree temperature kept me at a minimum even into today.
Here is the adjusted program:
Row 5 minutes hard, Airdyne 5 minutes hard, skip rope 5 minutes hard...x 2 of those circuits.
Ab Wheel x 10
Suspended Knees to Elbow x 10
Supinated on the floor Windshield Wipers x 10 to each side
Crunch x 10
Done in rapid succession x 5
Yep...bout killed me!