My wife and I were having a discussion this morning at Zero-Dark-Dark.
She asked if I wanted her to get up with me and head to the gym? I told her that it wasn't anything she needed to do, after all it is Monday after Christmas and I'm pretty sure NO ONE is moving.
My boy, jumped out of bed and got himself ready to head out with me. He LOVES the Dad and Me time we get to invest. (ME TOO)
April would come meet us in the second hour of the day, with my visiting nephew.
As I thought, the gym was quiet enough. Some of my Die Harder participants were there as I counted on.
My core group of fellas that I train WITH were dispersed, but there were enough that came in to banter with, and still be competitively pushed enough.
My son on one platform next to mine, I looked at him and thought "We get shit done!"
Between my wife April, and son, Hunter we Selkow folk don't wait for the paralysis of analysis.
We got through the training today before the clock even belled six times. THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS.
We got home and started to slow cook our dinner in a crock pot, a second breakfast of a billion scrambled eggs and four thousand pounds of bacon.
We took the Christmas Tree down, put the ornaments away, and stored the outside lights for the holiday as well. ALL before the sun was high enough to warm the roof tops.
I have never waited for a particular day nor a beginning of a year to kick into full swing the objectives to meet ANY goal.
I often joke..."It was a Tuesday, and for no particular reason (in my best Forrest Gump voice)" I would lip a wod of Skoal for 10 years, daily. Everyone told me to quit. I did, on a Tuesday and for no particular reason, and that was over 15 years ago. It wasn't the beginning of a month, the end of a tin, or any other reason other than...Get it done NOW!
Life is something that needs to be grabbed by the balls (or the pussy if you like to misquote our President Elect) But the grabbing needs to be done, before LIFE grabs YOU!
Here we are in the last week of 2016. Many are making goals for 2017 or at least THINKING about what they would like to accomplish. I say that the goals are already accomplished, I just need to put the work in, and THAT my friends is ON ME!!!
No one will motivate me to do it. I will do it or I won't. If I do it, I win! If I don't, I lose! Simple
"Simple", is the GOAL for this year.
We will continue to use the Conjugated Training method but instead of doing a shit ton of stupid useless volume of unproductive exercises, we will streamline EVERYTHING!
Instead of the meat and potatoes of it, we'll just do the MEAT!
Here we are, and I'm not waiting around for January 1st.
Jump on board NOW, 'cause this train has already left the station.
Training today:
4 inch Mat Dead lift pulls: Work up to a weight that your double overhand grip barely can hold.
Dynamic Effort Squat: 8x2x50% or 250lbs for me.
Sprints: 10x50 yards
I really enjoy reading your training logs and I am curious how much you will be simplifying your training. Any chance of an article on the details?
Thanks and Happy New Year,