This one is not so simple:
Bench: Work up to a hard 5 reps pushing off pins set one inch off the chest.
Once you have gotten to that number. Set ANOTHER set of pins to STOP the bar just before lock out. Here is where you will do the first set of 8 second isometrics WITH the 5 rep max.
Add 10 or 15 lbs. Do another 5 reps straining harder
Reset the Iso pins one hole LOWER limiting the range of motion even more.
Do the second 8 second ISO hold
Add 10 MORE pounds for 5 reps
And repeat the Iso hold, lowering the pins ONE more hole.
Push Ups: 250 reps
Dips: 250 reps
Shoulder Crank: 5x5x40
Over head Barbell Press: 5x5x135
Prowler: 8x40 yards with 20 more pounds. This was easier than the one from Saturday. It too was as glorious.
Pull up totals=3154
Push Up totals=4481
Dip Totals-5533
Prowler Totals: 15,040 yards