"If you want to better understand a particular subject, argue with yourself about it. Imagining both sides of an argument gives you a more sophisticated understanding of the subject because you’re likely to link more problems and solutions, find more criticisms, and gain a deeper knowledge of both your own views, and opposing ones."  ~ Talking to myself in my normal psychotic voice.

Who said that?

Me!  Now be quiet and learn something.

Today's Training:

Dynamic Bench: 10x3 @ Men + 10 lbs more than last weeks 12 set weight.  Women use 5 more lbs.

Rep Bench: 4x10 @ last weeks rep weight

Concept II Rowing Erg: 22 mins.

DB Lateral Raise: 4x10

Tricep/Bicep: Any exercise for two sets of how ever many reps for the "Pump"

Bike Commute: 25 minutes