American bar C/S Row: 5x8x185

Pullup HELL: 200 reps   (yes you read that correctly)

NO ONE avoids pull up hell.  Glenda is in her 70's and I smack her ass and bark orders like Drill Sgt. Hartman


45 degree Back Extension: 100 reps

Chin up HELL: 200 reps  (uh huh...again, only supinated hands)

Bicep Triple set:

Incline DB Curl

Standing DB Curl

Hammer Curl

5 sets of 10 without putting the db's down.

as I live and breath, as I type this right forearms are CRAMPING so bad that I have the keyboard extended from my body to full length.

Tonight is going to be INTENSE

Pull up totals=2304

Push Up totals=2481

Dip Totals-3683

Prowler Totals: 9960 yards