An old school exercise index clip that was either taken from some of the very early (now discontinued) Westside Barbell Videos or from Dave Tate's Westside Seminar Slideshows.


Went kinda like this...

Louie: Hey Dave can you come over here and do a set of barbell rows?

Dave: Serious, I just did three reps on one leg squats

Louie: This is for the video, all I need is one set

Dave: How much?

Louie: Doesn't matter just show a couple of grips


I load a plate per side and do a few reps regular grip and was planning on just a few reverse but shocked myself that I could grip the bar with a double under grip, so I did some bonus reps.


While this was shot after a Max Effort Session, that was also filmed; these clips were just to show some of the accessories we did. Most of us did some type of lat work 4x per week. If I had to guess, we did 70% rows and mostly did them on Bench Days. Vertical pulls were usually on squat days toward the end of the session to help stretch the back out.


These were all done by feel; some did upwards of 20 sets of lats four times per week. Others just 3-4 sets a few times a week. We used the shit out of the chest supported row that we broke it twice that I know of. We loaded the shit out of this and pulled for 5-6 heavy reps. Rows that were not supported the weight was kept lighter. I can't remember anyone using 315 but do remember endless sets with 225. We could use 315 to 405 but didn't want to pound the lower back with the rows we did.




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