I know many of you think I am the King of self-discipline, but I am as susceptible to faltering as anyone else. Those who follow me know somewhat of my current situation and what a struggle life is right now. Long story short, my Dad has been in the hospital for over six weeks and we have taken in my Mom. Life priorities have switched.

Day after day I have continually been kicked in the d!ck by life lately (as has family). And as it happens each time I find myself grabbing for food to comfort me or fill some void. Between this and hardly training at all, my body and mind are taking a hit.

Right now one of the only things I can control is what I stick in my pie hole. Emotional eating is only going to make things worse. I need to handle that so I can stay both physically and mentally healthy to take care of my family.

I have posted this before, but I have never lived it quite like this "Don't let the fork in the road put a spoon in your mouth."
